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{Best gelato I’ve ever had at Bella Gelateria. We’ve gone here every day we’ve been in Vancouver so far. I’m grateful for that. My pants are not.}

Today, I’m launching a new series: GRATITUDE LIST. It was Tony‘s idea, and I loved it. He takes stock of things he is grateful for as soon as he wakes up and before he goes to bed, and I see the happiness, peace and fulfillment it brings him. I think this practice contributes to his open heart and ability to “live in the moment,” something that I strive for. There have been countless studies demonstrating that being grateful makes you happier, and I want to make a conscious effort to really appreciate the things I have in my life instead of always chasing down the next thing.

This blog (purposefully) shows a glossy version of my life that is intended to make you laugh, inspire and entertain you. I think, with social media, we all share the “perfect” version of our lives most of the time. I curate the aspects of my life that I think will be fun to read (and write) about. But I’m not perfect, and neither is my life (far from it) – for example, lately I’ve been really anxious about my career. There was so much joy, anticipation and focus surrounding the wedding, I know I have the “bridal blues” now that it’s over. I’ve joked before that “there’s nothing to look forward to” anymore, and a part of me gets really worried on my more self-absorbed, “pity-party” days that I’ll never amount to more than being The Wife Of. I was up for a big writing job right before the wedding that I found out this week I didn’t get, and I’m trying not to dwell too much on it and move on. The best and worst thing about this job is that you get to create whatever you want, whenever you want; I have the freedom to work anywhere on my own schedule, but I have to be accountable for myself, not take rejection personally and keep trying new ways to make a living doing what I love.

So, right now, I especially grateful for you. Thank you for reading, supporting, subscribing, commenting and sharing this blog! I’m of course so very grateful to have my family, my friends, my dogs and my health, too. But here are the other things I’m feeling so lucky to have in my life… Those little, specific, wonderful things and surprises that make life good.


My husband. And this latte and breakfast he made for me before going to work.

The run along the water Tony and I got to go on in the rain this morning. I love the rain. It is my natural habitat. (But I still wore SPF 70. Just in case.)

Peanut Butter Baby

This baby, the only person I’ve ever seen who might love peanut butter even more than I do.

Sweet Comment

This comment that was left on a blog I wrote a month ago, a few days before my wedding. Then, I was anxious that if I didn’t write every day, readers would think I was unprofessional and stop reading; it was such a generous, beautiful thing to write and exactly what I needed to hear, and I still go back and look at it when I’m worried about my career. Thank you again, Ashley! And thank you to everyone who comments – I feel very, very, very lucky that people I don’t know read and comment (and also, very lucky that my mom doesn’t know how to use technology well enough to figure out how to comment, so instead she has to privately email me all of my grammatical errors instead of sharing them with the world.)


My parents, who are taking care of our 3 dogs in addition to their 2 while we’re in Vancouver for Tony’s job. They call them their “granddogs,” take them hiking every day and send me lots of pictures of them being adorable. Thank you, Mom and Dad.


The heart the chef made for us out of fried rice at dinner at Kobe with our friend Gordon last night.

Amanda Booth

This piece of career advice I read on MyDomaine while I was drinking my coffee this morning. Yes it was about models and motherhood, and I’m a writer with no baby, but I took what I needed from it, OK?


{Baby Maggie}

The following Instagram feeds: @dogpuppies_, @thebabyanimals, and @puppiesforall. (You can follow me @anniecavalero)

Tony Profile Pic

That this is Tony’s Facebook profile picture. Our friend took it at the wedding, and I cried when I first saw it. I look at it every day and it brings me so much happiness.

If you feel like sharing what you’re grateful for right now, I would love to hear it! It can be anything. Your husband or girlfriend, your baby or dog, or even a video that made you laugh or a quote that got you through the day… Thanksgiving doesn’t come frequently enough, and when it does, it brings too much food and family drama with it. What are you thankful for today?


  • Heidi Hawk says:

    I’m grateful for my wonderful husband who does the best he can for us every day, my furbaby Chloe, my wonderful besties who always know what I need and provide that balance I can’t live without. I’m also grateful for this blog–I follow only a few and this one brings a smile to my face every post. You really have a gift for writing and I can’t wait to read more of your writing soon! (or see it performed!)

    • Annie says:

      Heidi! I love this!!!! Thank you so much, your comment brightened my weekend and this rainy Monday morning when I read it again. And I LOVE what you are grateful for – all of those things are the most vibrant parts of my own life, too.

      Thank you again for supporting the blog, it really means so so so much to me. X A

  • malloriemecham says:

    Oh I so needed this today! I just finished my first week of law school in a new city where I know practically no one. Thank you for giving me a bite of a “sunshine glitter cupcake” when I was feeling a little down and for reminding me to focus on what I’m grateful for!

    • Annie says:

      This means so much to me, thank you!!!!! And CONGRATULATIONS on surviving your first week of law school. My dad is a lawyer, and several of my best friends have recently gone through school and the bar – I know how stressful and daunting it is, and I am so impressed. You WILL get through it. I haven’t been through law school, but I know what it feels like to be new to a city… Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, you will settle into a routine and it will start to feel like home (or home for now). And you can use it as an excuse to play tourist in a new city and try out new places to eat, or beautiful places to study outside – those are things that often help me. Good luck!! Thank you again for reading!!!! X A

  • Ashley Diane Powell says:

    ANNIE! Thank you so much for giving me a shout out! I am so touched and honored! Seriously, you made my week. :)

    Today, I am grateful for friends (new and old), new adventures, my sweet mother who was every bit of a Southern lioness when it came to her family and raising her kids (I’m one of three girls) and who continues to encourage me every day and STILL kicks ass at life, my beautiful grandmother who is a Steel Magnolia through and through (and I hope to be like her when I fully grow up), the healing powers of sweet tea, wine, a bubble bath, and cupcakes (not all at once), and THIS BLOG!

    P.S. I am seriously searching for a sunshine glitter cupcake recipe that looks pretty and tastes happy and amazing…once I do, I’ll send it to you!

    Have a lovely day Annie! Keep writing!

    • Annie says:

      You sweet girl!! Thank you!! I LOVE all of this. My grandmother on my dad’s side was a Southern lioness, too, and there is no better role model to grow up with.

      And in my opinion, I think the healing powers of sweet tea, wine, a bubble bath, and cupcakes all at once sounds pretty epic :) Thank you again, your comment really did bring me a lot of peace and comfort when I was worried! X A

      P.S. This is my favorite cupcake recipe I’ve tried so far (the frosting doesn’t taste like sunshine but it DOES taste like ice cream!) Let me know when you find a good one!

  • Kim DeJesus says:

    I’m thankful for you and your beautiful heart!

  • Hannah Stein says:

    I’m grateful for those Instagram feeds you just posted… ADORABLE! And for my husband and the flexibility I have to travel a lot and experience the world :)

    • Annie says:

      Haha thanks Hannah! Not gonna lie, I am pretty obsessed.

      LOVE what you are grateful for. There is nothing that fills up your heart quite like traveling. What are your favorite places, so I can add them to my bucket list??

      Thanks again :) X A

      • Hannah Stein says:

        That’s a tough one! Probably Cradle Mountain in Tasmania, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur! And Berlin is an amazing city and with all the history tied to it it’s pretty incredible. But I’m biased with that because it’s where I met my future husband and got engaged :p still a really cool city though!

        • Annie says:

          Oh my goodness this list is AMAZING. You need a travel blog!!! (And if you already have one, please tell me so I can get lost in it!) I would LOVE to go to Berlin. I’m reading “All The Light We Cannot See” right now and it is such a gorgeous book, it makes me want to go to Berlin and see some of the history. And what an incredible place to get engaged!!!! Thank you!!!!!

  • Tae says:

    What a beautiful post! Thinking about what I’m grateful for induced the tears in me a bit :) happy ones of course! My wonderful family, my incredible partner, my health, the people who are helping me follow my dreams (writer/actress here too but in Australia) countless cups of tea, peanut butter and/or salted ANYTHING (I’m just as much of a fiend as you and that baby) and of course, your beautiful words. Thanks again Annie! x

    • Annie says:

      Thank you so much, Tae!!!!! It blows me away that you are following the blog all the way in Australia – I am so grateful, it means so much to me. I got to visit Sydney, the Daintree Rainforest and Lizard Island a few years ago and it was the most incredible vacation – I really want to go back with Tony one day!

      I love what you’re grateful for. Thank you so much for sharing. Cheers to BOTH of us following our dreams!

      Thank you again! X A