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birthday cake

{The birthday cake I made Tony the first year we were together. It tasted way better than it looked.}

Yesterday was Tony’s birthday, and I asked him to write a guest blog to celebrate it. Instead of writing something self indulgent like I usually do, he tried to think of a way to use his birthday to help other people, which is totally in character for him and one of the many reasons I married him. Here’s his advice on how to stay happy on the 364 days a year that aren’t your happy birthday:

mustache Tony

For the most part, I don’t really like my birthday. I mean, most of my comedy is over the top and shirtless, so I’m usually all for “LOOK AT ME,” but there’s just something about my birthday that makes me want to pout like a baby. And I’m pumped when it’s over and I can get back to the norm. Don’t get me wrong… Annie, in magnificent “wifey” style, pulls out all the stops for my big day; amazing dinners, awesome friends and epic presents. For example, this year she got me a Bose sound bar, so I can enjoy all my favorite movies (anything with explosions, knife fights, dynamic electro-rock themed chase scenes and catch phrases) as if I were actually there. What I wouldn’t give to have been there with Arnie as he ran away from the Predator’s small nuclear device counting down… But I digress.



To be totally honest, I try to stay in the same state of happiness everyday. I’m human and this doesn’t always work, but I make a real effort to make each day a happy one. It’s not an easy task and like anything in life, it takes work. So in honor of my wife, so that she can have a day off from writing, I’m going to give a little insight into what I do to try to stay happy and positive on a daily basis. Again, I preface this with the fact that I’m a hypocrite with many of these points. I got so upset yesterday because I forgot to bring my stamp card to the smoothie place and I’m one stamp away from a free smoothie. (That’s 30 grams of FREE protein down the drain… DAMN!)

Take what you like and leave what you don’t. Most of these ideas are bastardized versions from other awesome sources, but I’ve read and heard so much, it would be too tough to remember who said what and annotate, so I’m giving credit now to everyone! Thanks, universe!


{Tony, in his most pure joyful state at the Groundlings}

TUNE OUT Each night before I go to bed, I troll my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter one last time and then I put my phone into airplane mode. I’m also kind of an old man, so I have one of those nature sound apps that helps me sleep (this one is great). My phone stays in airplane mode all night and when my alarm goes off in the morning, I keep it in airplane mode to do just a few minutes of morning reflection. I prefer some readings and prayers, but a little gratitude list or just saying “thank you” a few times will help balance you out before you get into your morning hustle. Because once you see all those emails and items on your to-do list, I know your mind can get squirrelly fast.

CALL When I am feeling anxious throughout my day, I pick up my phone and I text or call someone, usually a friend I know who might be going through a difficult time or someone I haven’t spoken to in a while. I really dedicate this phone call to listening to them, just really trying to lend my ears to them. Pretty soon, I forget my issues. This helps to put things into perspective for me and works equally well, if not better, if you meet up with the person for coffee or food.

SHRED Now this one is tough for me, because I can be a selfish dude with my shredding. I become a real grumpy grump if I don’t get my daily shred (which is something I need to work on), but a good shred can put me back on the happy train. Walking the dogs, hitting the treadmill, even just 20 push ups can be enough to get me out of a funk. These days I’ve been obsessed with CorePower yoga and their sculpt classes. This is the perfect mix of stretching, cardio, weight training and yoga.


GIVE This one is certainly easier said than done, but a little can go a long way. And giving isn’t just limited to money; you can provide ideas, energy, or just a shoulder to lean on. Whether it’s doing the dishes for a loved one, writing a letter of appreciation to an old teacher or giving a penny a day to a child in Kenya, giving will always bring joy. The even tougher part of giving, though, can be the goal of getting absolutely nothing in return. Try giving without anyone knowing about it. There are programs all over the LA area (and country, and world) to help you give back. You can find a way with a little research. Giving big or small will make you happy, I promise. Annie and I both love CHLA and ChildFund International.

Maggie face

GRATITUDE I literally just spent the last ten minutes thanking my dogs for being my dogs, even though Maggie wasn’t super into the idea of being snuggled so closely. You don’t have to write anything down (although that’s a bonus if you make the actual list), but take moments throughout your day to list in your head the little or big things you are grateful for in your life. A good night’s sleep, your car, the breath you take in, the big job you just booked, the ability to think, etc. This is a classic tool to feel better. Use it! Here’s a cool Instagram that features some amazing nature shots.


Kid At Heart

BE A KID Now this covers several bases. When we were kids, we had such big dreams and imaginations. Who’s to say you can’t still have that, to some extent. For me, that means laughing, being silly, having big dreams, playing and working with kids. There’s a reason I do comedy, it’s because I get to be a BIG KID! Now that I’m on a kid’s show I get to really see how much fun it can be to be childlike, silly and in the moment. Experience new things, discover and don’t take things so seriously. Also, kids get so darn passionate about ideas. Use this passion in your own life to find the time to do the things you LOVE. This Instagram feed helps me find that ‘kid place’ and these GIFs from FunnyOrDie make me giggle like a toddler.

Kids Choice Awards

ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE WRONG I spent (and sometimes still spend) a lot of my life trying desperately to be right. Well, ya know what?! I’m just a meathead from a military college and I’m not always right. I make mistakes on a daily basis, but I get to recognize that and make up for it by apology or by making a living amends. Life is too short to always be right. That old saying “Would you rather be right or happy?” comes to mind.  I try to correct mistakes as soon as they happen. For example… Hypothetically, say I accidentally farted on Annie while she was sleeping and it woke her up and she thought Maggie had taken a dump in the room, I can ‘fess up to that and tell her it was me. Not that that actually happened. Just hypothetically.

Military college

So, that’s my list. I know there’s a million other variations and ways out there and I might even add some stuff in the comments below, but these are the ideas and principles I try to practice on a daily basis. Don’t worry so much… No one ever laid on their death bed and said “Dude, I totally wish I had worried and stressed out more!” Of course life is going to throw things at you, but you have tools and resources to get through anything. What do you do to stay chill throughout the day?

Tony and Me

{The person who makes me happiest}

Ok, enough with the cheese whizz….I’m off to shred the canyon. PEACE!

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