This blog turned one yesterday! Tony surprised me with my favorite, Susiecakes, to celebrate – a chocolate peanut butter cupcake and a slice of marble cake. It was heaven. I rode that sugar high until 2am, working on our Save the Dates (which are still not done.)
This time last year, we were planning a 4th of July Tahoe wedding packed with fireworks and anemones, and the guest list was at around 400. So much has changed – with the wedding, in life and with this blog. And even more big changes are on their way, which I am so excited to share with you in the coming weeks. Change has always been really scary to me; I’ve got a major problem with “future thinking” and trying to control the uncontrollables. But I’m also a big believer that things happen for a reason and work out the way they’re meant to. So, I’m going into 2015 open.
Resolutions give me anxiety; as a perfectionist, I don’t like deliberately setting myself up for failure. (See above for what I ate last night – I am incapable of detoxes or cleanses.) So instead, here are some good vibes I’m sending myself for 2015 and this second year of the blog:
Get married.
Know that as long as Tony and I get married, the party will be great. Even if gold flatware isn’t in the budget. (I found some faux gold forks to put on my registry anyway, so I can always have those at future dinner parties instead.) It’s time to chill a little bit on the whole “what do you mean anemones aren’t in season in August?!?!”/bridezilla thing.
Stop wishing I look like Sofia Vergara. It’s never going to happen. Start liking that I look like me! Even when I see photos of myself like this:

Adopt zero puppies. This one is hard for me, but necessary.
Have cake for dinner if I want to. But understand, accept and release the fact that I am not 20 anymore and if I do this, the evidence will show up on my face, thighs and belly.
Accept that I am not Martha Stewart. I’m really excited to expand the content of this blog in 2015, sharing recipes, style, beauty, home design and more, in addition to personal stories. I’ll let you know when things go right. But I’ll also let you know when things go wrong. Like the time I attempted to bake this Pumpecapple Piecake, and was harshly reminded that I am not, in fact, a living Pinterest board:
Write more. This blog, scripts, daily(ish) gratitude lists, all of it. Writing makes me happy and I feel better when I do it.
Embrace change. Sometimes the surprising ways life works out are even better that the ways we’d initially planned. (Even though I’m sure I would have been happily married to Zac Hanson, I’m infinitely happier Tony will be my husband instead.)
Care less about what people think. As my fantasy bestie Tay Swift (and tons of rappers and probably Kim Kardashian) like to say, haters gonna hate.
Be grateful more. Especially for you, reading and supporting this blog. It means so much to me. Thank you! I hope 2015 is your (and my) best year yet.
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