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The Duff opens in theaters today, but we were lucky enough to attend the premiere and catch it last week! I’m so proud of my sweet, hilarious fiancé, who is so funny in it. We love a lot of the people involved in making it (both onscreen and off) and few things make me happier than watching Tony crack people up, so I may be biased, but I loved it. It made me nostalgic for the high school movies I adored growing up: Mean Girls, Can’t Hardly Wait, 10 Things I Hate About You, the list goes on… And there hasn’t been one in that genre that I’ve been into for a while. (Maybe because I got old.) But this one deserves its place on that list, and I’m excited Tony got to be a small part of one of this generation’s great high school movies.
I think it’s safe to say Tony and I would both consider ourselves “DUFFs” (Designated Ugly Fat Friends) in our teenage years. Tony used to get a half dozen donuts after school every day, and then wash them down with a Slim Fast because he thought it would negate the frosted fried dough calories. I think he was proud to be his cute older brother’s DUFF, who would have him do Chris Farley impressions to impress girls. And I’ve written before about my unfortunate decisions in high school, from spray tanning only my legs to hiring my crush to lifeguard my graduation party. My best friend (and co-Maid of Honor) Jax looked like a mini Cindy Crawford, whereas my mom would lie to me and tell me I would look like Nicole Kidman if I wore sunscreen (no one ever told me I looked like Nicole Kidman in high school. Instead, they shielded their eyes and said I was “blinding them” with my pale skin.) One time, Jax and I decided to have a “movie best friend” moment, and put frosting on our faces to make it look like we were having the best sleepover ever when we were baking a cake. Jax did look like she was out of a movie montage; I broke out in hives.
And now, Tony is starring in a TV show, and this awesome movie. In that picture, he’s signing autographs; one of the people actually brought a headshot of Tony for him to sign, because he’s a big Hart of Dixie fan! My face hurt from smiling. I hope something that cool and special never, ever gets old; little chubby Tony, full of donuts doing Chris Farley impressions, and little chubby Annie, with orange legs and frosting and hives all over her face, would never have been able to believe just how lucky they’d ultimately be, and how fun there lives would become.
{Me, our friend Mary who produced the movie, and our friend Tiff. I am their DUFF.}
Everyone is someone’s DUFF. And the few people who were no one’s DUFF in high school, they’ve spent the rest of their lives in an impossible race against the clock, trying to recapture those years that are gone. The movie is hilarious and sweet, and has lots of eye candy (see below), but it’s also got a cool message. I’m really proud of Tony, and excited he got to be a part of it. Go see it this weekend!
{Me in an eye candy sandwich with Tony + Robbie Amell}
{Tony + the director, Ari Sandel}

{One more of me + Tony in what my dad refers to as “the racy blue number,” because I just can’t help myself… Such a great night! Photo via}
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