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gratitude list

Tony and I are going to a wedding tomorrow and I can’t wait. I LOVE LOVE. (And also free food. And booze. And any and every excuse to dress up. Did I mention the food, though?) It’s only a few hours away, but I’m so excited to get out of town (again) and take a mental break. I was particularly psychologically abusive toward myself this week over some career stuff and some friend stuff and just some life stuff in general, and I’m ready to reenact a Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey meme and contemplate my place in this world by the ocean while I’m hungover post-wedding, probably noshing on a street burrito. I hope you have the same relaxing, recharging, burrito-filled weekend that I am wishing upon myself. Here’s what I’m grateful for right now…

The fastest way to get out of my self-indulgent funk: Reading the inspiring stories on Humans of New York, which is currently focusing on telling the stories of pediatric cancer in association with Memorial Sloan Kettering.

gratitude list

Getting surprised with these flowers on a bad day by my husband. I was out having lunch with my bestie//platonic life partner Katierose when the delivery guy showed up at the restaurant with this bouquet, and I felt a little like the star of a direct-to-DVD Nicholas Sparks movie.

gratitude list

Watching my friend Florence Hartigan knock the socks off of everyone within earshot of her gorgeous voice and massive talent at Hotel Cafe. I can’t wait for her to be as famous as Taylor Swift, so I can scream-sing (off-key) along with her on the radio.

gratitude list

Getting to bedazzle some boxes with kids cooler than I will ever be at CHLA.

gratitude list

Tony wanting to stay married to me even though I like to do things like whispering our dogs, “You are my biological daughters. I gave birth to you.”

Catching up with an old friend over a glass of rose on the gorgeous patio at Zinque, and having a spirited (drunk) convo about the rampant misogyny in Hollywood. It is my personal theory that wine and gossip solve all problems. (Maybe this is why I keep having problems.)

gratitude list

Waking up to this latte.

This article. CELEBRATE! Happy Friday and happy weekend!


  • Kim DeJesus says:

    Love you baby I can’t believe tony delivered flowers to you at a restaurant. He is so sweet!!!! Can’t wait to hear about the weekend xoxoxo

  • Mimi Calvo says:

    2 of the Nurses that were featured and I say that with a CAPITAL N were Andrew’s fiancé’s when she was fighting her battle with pediatric cancer. She lost her battle but those who work on the Pediatric floor are ANGELS. Also one of her favorite nurse,who happens to be a male is in a commercial. He is giving a shot to a little one and they sing the banana nana fo fana song. Thank you for reading it!

    • Annie says:

      Mimi, this is so beautiful. I had no idea she was treated there. Such beautiful people changing this world and making it better. Thank you so much for sharing this! Biggest hugs and so much love.