In the latest edition of Tony’s TONY TAKEOVER WEEK on Heels in the Hills, he is getting in touch with his feminine side with a listicle of his all-time favorite romantic comedies. What are your date night movie musts?
Sup playas? I took a break from doing dips and push-ups to give you little overview of some of my favorite romantic comedy films. Annie absolutely LOVES romcoms, so I LOVE them as well (#HappyWifeHappyLife). To be honest, I really do have a sweet spot for love and laughter, but all you loyal readers probably know that already. I don’t like every romcom, but most the time I really enjoy them.
As a matter of fact, our relationship was founded on a first few dates involving Love Actually and Father of The Bride. I hadn’t seen either film and didn’t really care to, but somehow those viewings ended with heavy petting sessions. What I’m saying is…don’t judge a romcom by it’s cover and you might get some action by watching them.
Personally, I need a break from my testosterone-fueled movie bank of Terminator 2: Judgement Day, The Town, and The Blade Trilogy to sit down and get in touch with my romantic/giggly side. Who doesn’t like to snuggle up next to their beautiful boo/bae and get the butterfly laughs from watching McConaughey, Roberts, Sandler, and Barrymore? Here’s a few of my top faves.

There’s Something About Mary
Hair jizz…gel? This is a MUST SEE if you haven’t. From the genius Farrelly brothers, this is one the funniest romantic comedies ever, like distractingly hilarious. Get with the now and watch it with your lovey.
The Wedding Singer
The soundtrack is amazing and the chemistry between Adam and Drew is fantastic. The 80’s was a time filled with bright colors, big hair and great music which this movie totally exploits in the best way. The laughs to sweetness ratio is perfect. The side characters especially Christine Taylor and Allen Covert really make this one a nostalgic home run.
The Holiday
What can I say, I love Jack Black! He totally shines in this grounded role. I honestly just love seeing him play a more down-to-earth and vulnerable character. Also the adorkable Kate Winsett and Jude Law shine. This movie is the perfect wintertime pairing for a fireplace and some nog.
The Princess Bride
Nothing to say here, except that this might be the best film ever made.
Knocked Up
I saw this movie in the theaters twice with my mom and I love it. Seth Rogan’s character is so darn relatable and the ensemble in this film is flawless. I especially love Alan Tudyk and Kristen Wiig’s roles. Any millennial will totally be on board with this one. I’m trying to get Annie to watch more of this one so she’s not so freaked out by having a baby, but it’s tough seeing where Katherine Hiegl’s career has gone since.
Groundhog Day
Billy Murray is a God. An awesome film by the late genius Harold Ramis. What would you do if you lived the same day over and over? I laugh out loud funny film with so many lessons throughout. Careful, this one is extremely quoteable!
True Lies
I know it’s not technically a romantic comedy, but ladies give this one a shot. Arnold is so genuinely funny, but Jamie Lee Curtis totally steals this movie. Their chemistry and his urgency to win her love back really brings on the feels, plus Tia Carerra!!!
Honorable mentions: 50 First Dates, Father Of The Bride, Sweet Home Alabama, Commando, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Silver Linings Playbook. What are your date night faves?
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