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I am not a naturally organized person. It is really really difficult for me, and usually the closest I come to neatness is “organized” piles that only I can understand. And if anything gets moved, everything falls apart because there is no real system. (I understand this makes me a candidate for Hoarders. Please don’t submit me yet. I’m working on it.) Tony is a saint for putting up with it, especially since he went to a military college and is one of the neatest people I have ever met. It’s easy for him to throw things away, whereas I have emotional attachments to everything from a ratty sorority T-shirt that doesn’t even fit me anymore to expired biscuit mix I bought in Alaska when I was in college, but never baked because I was saving it for a special occasion. (Again, please do not submit me to Hoarders. I’M WORKING ON IT.)


{What my kitchen table/desk looks like when I’m not staging it for photo shoots to make myself look perfect. This is 1/100th of the piles in my house. Not related: Get the recipe for my healthy Green Swamp Smoothie, pictured grossly above, here. Tony says it looks like dog barf and tastes like cardboard, I say it’s going to turn me into Gisele by our wedding!}

One of the worst aspects of my disorganization is the complete disarray of Post Its and paper scraps strewn throughout our house and several of my purses, with To Do lists, reminders and illegible chicken scratch I probably jotted down after a few glasses of vino. It’s a mess, and I hate it. Which is why I love Wunderlist, an app I recently discovered (that is not paying me to write this or sponsoring me in any way. Although if you’re reading this, Wunderlist, I would love that. But this one’s out of my own sheer good will.)


Basically, it’s a virtual To-Do list command center. It’s free, syncs with your computer, phone, iPad, whatever, and you can create as many lists as you like. It’s easy to set up deadlines and reminders, so you don’t forget anything. And, perhaps most importantly, you can also invite others to share the list! It took Tony a solid 2 weeks to accept my invitation to the following lists: Wedding, Groceries and Tony’s Hiatus Honey-Do List :) But he finally did and now we are so efficient, almost like real functional adults! If he checks things off the list from his phone at the grocery store, I get to hear the satisfying little ding on my computer and watch a task disappear from the list. It is science-magic.


{Please don’t judge me for the fact that I have more on my Wedding list than my Work list. It’s in less than 3 months. I’ll go back to being a real person after August 1.}

Do I miss writing pretty cursive in my Gelly Roll pens? Sure. Do I miss losing half of my lists and spilling coffee or ice cream on the other half? Nope! I’ve been using it for a few weeks now, and it’s saved my sanity. YOU’RE WELCOME, WORLD (and Tony)!


  • Anne M. Esguerra says:

    I downloaded this app yesterday, THANK YOU! I still plan on using my mini notebook because I like writing things down but I love how easy this app is. The reminders and collaborative nature of it are so great! Still bugging my fiance to get it though haha. I am making lists of questions to be answered too (for our reception coordinator and our Priest, etc.) because I always forget what I need to ask when I have the opportunity!

    • Annie says:

      Anne, this makes me so happy!! So glad it was helpful and you’re into it! HA, I had to bug Tony for WEEKS before he finally downloaded it :) So worth it, it’s saved so much time. But I hear you on the notebook – there’s something about writing things down that I love, too. Thanks so much for reading!!

  • jen lee says:

    I just got this (I’m reading backwards through months of your blog, oops!), and oh man it is super helpful and easy to use! I’m with you, I love writing things down in my pretty gel pens, but I’ve never been one of Those Girls (aka basically all of my friends, ugh, UNFAIR) who actually keeps track of their checklists and notebooks, crossing things out and checking them off.

    • Annie says:

      You are the sweetest, thank you so much!! LOVE that you’re catching up on it, I’m so grateful for the support!! And a resounding yes to all of this… In my mind I am a young Martha Stewart, in my reality I am a messy hoarder. This app is so great. Thanks again!! xx