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Open Letter Apology to Televisions Everywhere

{Some daddy-daughter TV time on football Sundays.}

This week, Heels in the Hills’ resident mommy blogger (and one of the most loving, selfless, inspiring and dedicated mommies I know) Barbara King is sharing a hilarious ode to televisions everywhere. Here is her open letter apology for writing them off pre-kids… (I know I won’t be that good of a mom to even PRETEND I will write TV off. I’m already looking forward to putting the TV on for my kids. When I was a kid, I loved “Reading Rainbow,” and also “Cry Baby” starring Johnny Depp. They will appreciate that kind of art, too.)

Dear Television,

I have something very difficult to admit. Please, bear with me.

Before I had children I was naive. Very naive and for that I apologize. There were things that went through my mind that I can’t even comprehend now. But, I would like to come clean. And I hope, somewhere inside your mesh of wires and plugs, you may forgive me.

Pre-kids I was…anti-you. There! I admit it. I was uber-judgmental towards parents who enjoyed your company. DIDN’T THEY KNOW THE HORRORS OF TELEVISION????? Didn’t they understand that exposing their children to you before the age of thirty-five has a 115% chance of turning their tiny growing brains into gray mush??? Didn’t they CARE about their children? Didn’t they realize that by allowing you into their homes they are quintessentially allowing their children to become shuffling media-filled zombies with the attention span of a fly, the creative abundance of a gnat, and the academic acumen of a palm tree???? WHAT MONSTERS ARE THEY, I thought.

Oh, Television, I don’t even know that woman with those naive thoughts!

You have been a Godsend. You have allowed me to actually take a shower, or eat a leftover piece of toast from the ground – sometimes a mother’s first meal of the day. You are not the devil. You are my beautiful part-time nanny who helps teach shapes and manners and allows me to take a rest for 25-55 minutes each day.

Open Letter Apology to Televisions Everywhere

{My kids and their friends (who all watch TV occasionally,) can still spend days exploring the world without any electronics.}

I know you’re not perfect, Television, and I hope you’ll understand when I go days without turning you on because the weather is nice outside and we’re spending it all by the pool. I know you will forgive me when I suggest a book or a game instead of you, or when I tell the babysitters that you are NOT allowed today. I still love you, TV.

And please let your brothers and cousins, iPad, Kindle, and Cell Phone know that I am equally grateful for their friendships. Especially on plane rides. Seriously, on plane rides.

So Television, I hope you understand and may forgive me, if not today, maybe one day. Thank you TV, from the bottom of my electronics-loving heart.


Monster-mothers everywhere

Open Letter Apology to Televisions Everywhere

{Watching the movie Up on our TV on Christmas Eve – one of my daughter’s first TV experiences – and one I’ll never forget. This photo was taken the moment the balloons burst through the house.}

P.S. For those who partake in television, here are some of our current favorite shows. Let me know if you have any to add!

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood on PBS – This is basically the animated present-day version of Mister Roger’s Neighborhood with the same emphasis on feelings and compassion.

Super Why on PBS – You can’t get better than kids who solve problems using the power of READING!

School of Rock on Nickelodeon – A hilarious musical episodic based on the Jack Black movie, (and stars the one and only Tony Cavalero!!)

Sofia the First on Disney Junior – For a somewhat non-princess mom, this is actually a surprising favorite of mine. Sofia uses her bravery, brains, and kindness to help others in her kingdom.

Barbara King-Wilson is an actress and writer living with her family in Los Angeles. Follow her @TheBarbaraKing and visit her at!

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Why Can’t L.A. Moms Let Their Kids Be Bored?

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26 Questions To Ask On A School Tour

How I (Almost) Lost My Mind Applying to My Kid’s Elementary Schools

10 Questions L.A. Kids Have Asked Me

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