Author Archives for Annie Cavalero

j’adorable things: law school grad edition

May 19, 2015 8:06 pm Published by Comments Off on j’adorable things: law school grad edition

My dad's genius godson Tommy graduated from law school and business school and passed the bar this weekend. He's my dad's best friend Bill's son, and like a brother to me. I'm almost exactly a year older, so I can technically say I've known him since he was born, even though neither of us remember meeting each other. He's probably the most accomplished person I know... All I accomplished this weekend was eating my own weight in tacos, fried chicken and cocktails. But it was worth it, for a weekend long celebration with Tommy's family in town. I love the family I was born into, but I'm doubly lucky to have such a loving extended family of people who (while not blood relatives) are like second parents and brothers to me. (I just wish I actually was related to Tommy's mom Barb, because she can do the splits and I can't even touch my toes.) Here are a few "snaps," as Barb likes to say, from our weekend...View Article

My High School Wallet

May 18, 2015 1:00 pm Published by Comments Off on My High School Wallet

We've discussed my issue with hoarding in the past, and I was reminded that I have a true problem this weekend while cleaning out our "costume closet." Tony and I transformed our spare room into the "crap room," where we put the things we don't really need but I'm too attached to throw away (like my broken printer from college). And the closet in that room looks like it belongs to a serial killer, it is so packed with wigs, fake arms, fake blood, my grandmother's super un-P.C. fur coat that has "Sweet Thing" stitched onto it, a cell phone from the '90s, and an array of children's clothes in sizes large enough that they fit Tony and me. But, with the wedding creeping up in less than three months, we have enough family coming to town for bridal showers and nuptial-related celebrations that we need that crap room to be an actual bedroom. So, I spent the weekend attempting to clean it out. And that costume closet was such a disaster, it alone took the entire weekend...View Article

San Francisco Bachelorette Bash

May 15, 2015 2:42 pm Published by 2 Comments

My childhood bestie (since we were 2!) and bridesmaid Ali is getting married herself this September, and I am lucky enough to have the honor of being a bridesmaid in her wedding, too! Her bachelorette party and bridal shower were held in San Francisco this past weekend, because she has more important things to do (like being a doctor who saves lives) than behaving like a bridezilla who requires separate weekends for both events (me). It was such a blast and, because I got to stay at my other bestie/co-Maid of Honor Jacquelyn's parents' condo in the city, it didn't break the bank. Double win. Jax got married a few years ago and has a baby now, so it was especially special to have a girls' weekend away with her on top of celebrating Ali - we haven't had a trip like this since I crashed in her hotel room for the week leading up to her wedding in Napa, and it was just like our old sleepover days...View Article

lovable links

May 14, 2015 5:22 pm Published by Comments Off on lovable links

I am feeling infinitely better after sleeping for 16 hours last night, which was interrupted by only one melodramatic episode in which I got up to go to the bathroom and passed out on my way there. Which scared the crap out of Tony and the dogs. (I'd like to say I fainted glamorously like an Old Hollywood starlet, but I hit the floor like a dead bear.) I won't go into the nitty gritty details because it's almost dinnertime and I'm a lady, but Tony changed me out of my sweat-soaked clothes and carried me back to bed, Whitney Houston in "The Bodyguard"-style. It's always been my fantasy to be carried that way... I just wish it had been under circumstances where I looked beautiful, maybe with flowing hair in a wedding gown, not crying while asking if I pooped myself (for the record, I did not!), and if he still wanted to marry me. He said yes. That, my friends, is true romance. I spent the majority of the day in bed trolling the internet, so here are a few of the links that kept me busy...View Article

sick day

May 13, 2015 8:28 pm Published by 4 Comments

Sorry for the super delayed late night post! I tried to write something snappy and hilarious, but kept getting distracted by my need to barf. I caught a gross stomach bug, and am using that as my excuse for not changing out of my sweatpants all day (although, Tony would probably tell you that's a choice I frequently make when I'm feeling great, too). I wish I was "just one stomach flu away from my goal weight" like Emily in "The Devil Wears Prada," but I can tell you I am at least one flu closer to it! I've eaten less than I did during my godforsaken juice cleanse in one day and am too exhausted to be hangry, so I think this one is Tony's favorite diet yet. I spent the day in bed or the bathroom, the latter of which was the location where our contractor accidentally walked in on me. I don't know which one of us was more horrified, but I bet we'll both be talking about it in therapy... And then, Tony surprised me with his most romantic gesture yet.View Article

sample size to beauty buys

May 12, 2015 7:39 pm Published by Comments Off on sample size to beauty buys

My latest beauty obsession is skin oil, mostly because it promises to preserve youth, sort of like how the pickle juice in a jar preserves the pickle. (The facial oil is the juice and I am the pickle in this scenario). I was wary of face oils at first because I've always broken out easily, so slathering oil on my face sounded counter-intuitive when it seemed like my body was producing enough of its own. But I kept reading that oils are beneficial for those with oily complexions, so I decided to give it a go. I've tried several, and this one is my favorite so far...View Article

“There Will Be Blood:” A One-Woman Show At The Groundlings Theatre

May 11, 2015 12:23 pm Published by Comments Off on “There Will Be Blood:” A One-Woman Show At The Groundlings Theatre

In the latest installment of Coffee With Friends, I'm chatting with Ariane Price, one of the funniest ladies I know whose one-woman show, "There Will Be Blood," is TONIGHT at The Groundlings Theatre! As stated on the poster, she bills it: "From losing my mom to becoming a mom and all the heinous, awkward, coming of age hilarity in between." I caught the premiere, and it was incredible - it made me cry from laughing and cry from feeling all the feelings. Ariane was sweet enough to chat with me in anticipation of tonight's show, and share her experiences and advice on getting into comedy in Hollywood...View Article

Happy Mother’s Day!

May 10, 2015 4:59 pm Published by 4 Comments

In honor of Mother's Day, I'm re-sharing the blog I wrote last year about lessons I've learned from my mom. But, I'm home for Mother's Day this year, even though my mom is not (she's out of town and I was in town for my friend Ali's bachelorette party). So, instead, I'm perusing the baby diary she kept about me. Here are a few highlights...View Article