Tag Archive: flower girl
Tony and I are less than two months out from our wedding, and all of the final stages of planning are kicking into high gear. We just found out that Tony's schedule will allow us to go on a honeymoon, so we're having the most fun scrambling to figure out where to go (please comment below with any ideas!!) I'm still riding the happiness high from last weekend's perfect bridal shower (as I write this, I'm listening to the playlist my sweet friend Corey's boyfriend made especially for the party), and am looking forward to a weekend packed with All Things Wedding - we're trying to track down a tuxedo for Tony, and are shopping for our wedding rings tomorrow! Here are all the things that put a smile on my face this week... I hope you have a fabulous weekend packed with over-priced diamonds, beautiful soul music, unaffordable tuxedos and leftover cake, too! HAPPY FRIDAY!View Article
I'm having the hardest time selecting the outfits for our ring bearer and flower girls for our upcoming wedding. So far, everything I have come across is too expensive, too ridiculous, or just gives me the creeps - it's shocking how many appear to be wedding gowns for child brides or made for tiny street performers. Here are a few I will NOT be choosing...View Article